Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Twinge of Nervousness

Skeptical about the existence of sub-personalities and neural multiplicity? Consider this:

Part of my brain despairs that this project is way beyond my capabilities. The task is immense and the convoluted worldviews of Ecclesiastes defy novelization (graphic or otherwise) by a pea brain like me.

At the same time, I am possessed of a grandiosity breathtaking in its scope. I read the following quote and got a jolt of fear.

It is mostly understandable (though to a cinema enthusiast like myself, bitterly disappointing) that Qoheleth has never been ‘filmed’ as such. His direct ‘filmability’ is an intriguing potential to reflect on (I see Ed Harris in the role, personally), but there are other senses in which he has been rendered in celluloid. (Eric Christianson, Ecclesiastes Through the Centuries, page 83).

I thought to myself with fear and trembling, "Good grief...somebody might beat me to it and make a film out of Ecclesiastes leaving me with reams of unpublished notes, unread blog posts, and unrealized dreams" (a very Ecclesiastes-like response, by the way). 

I'd love it if my 400+ page graphic novel could be rendered in celluloid. Whole films have been made in one location (Breakfast Club, 12 Angry Men, etc); couldn't a gifted cinematographer use my book as a story board for a movie taking place in a university classroom? If I had creative influence, credit, and a contract this would be a sweet deal. 

But what if, when I start posting my completed pages (ETA: next fall), some unscrupulous kid with a video camera rips off my idea? I am creating something highly amenable to Mr. Christianson's "intriguing potential."

These two disparate parts of my neural machinery fight each other, mock each other, and chide each other for their absurd optimism and pessimism. This is sub-personalities at work. 

PUBLIC NOTICE: I, Erik Johnson, do hereby self copyright, claim proprietary rights, and register as intellectual property of the following trademarked, registered, and personalized slogans, notions, and names: Mr. Q, Ecclesiastes U, Ecclesiastes University, and the plot of Ecclesiastes being spoken as a classroom lecture, and all characters to be depicted herein. (C) 2012, (R) 2012, (TM) 2012, (PKYHOMS*) 2012.

* Please keep your hands off my stuff.

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