Saturday, April 21, 2012

Fleshing Out Characters

I've never played a role playing game although I once had an 11 year old boy client teach me how to play the card game Magic (or was it Pokemon? I forget). A conflict mediator and weak pacifist like me found the "No negotiations; I will crush you because I'm bigger, stronger, and more powerful than you" premise of the game a bit unnerving. I suppose my favorite game chess is no different; it too involves strategy, pieces with different powers, and the same object: conquer your opponent. But what sticks with me is the memory of how this kid was entranced with combining players with different skills and weapons in order to beat his opponent, wimpy me.

I had the same taste of excitement of role playing this morning. It's Saturday and after a full weak of conflict resolution I got up at 4:45 AM eager to tackle EU10 (Ecclesiastes 5:8-9). It's only 2 verses and the subject matter does not easily lend itself to harmless joshing and witty banter. It's about oppression of the poor, government corruption, and Mr. Q's callousness to it all.

But after honing the dialog (for the 2nd or 3rd time? I forget) I finally got to attach characters to each word balloon. I have a file called CLIP PAGES wherein are stored sheets of faces I've drawn; multiple images of the same face on each page. As I ponder each word balloon I peruse this cast of characters then clip and tape the face in the appropriate panel. Part of me winces; it just doesn't seem right for a grown man to find so much pleasure at cutting and taping pieces of paper. But another part of me soars like that 11 year old kid plotting to conquer the universe by combining characters' strengths.

Even though the faces I've drawn are not the final faces I'll use for each character I must admit: they are growing on me. In my next post I'll unveil for the very first time some of the regulars with a short description.

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