It's Saturday night, 6:00 PM. I'm pulled in over a dozen different directions, and none. It's too early for here are my options.
1. Wash dinner dishes. My menu items tonight all started with C: corn, chicken, cookies, beer.
2. Weed the front yard. Dandelions are poking through the beauty bark.
3. Mow the back yard. I've let the back half go native; it's now out of control.
4. Weed whack everywhere.
5. Read more of The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt. Great book; could be relevant to my graphic novel.
6. Watch the Olympics. I turned it on briefly and watched 4 man volley ball for 2 minutes. That'll hold me 4 years.
7. Work on Ecclesiastes University script, day 8. The dialog is not only not funny, it's worse than a poke in the eye with a sharp Prismacolor pencil. That book is my priority but the creative juices aren't flowing. I just can't muster the enthusiasm to create more insipid prose. (Although the new character I introduce in that chapter has an Italian accent that I think I nailed!)
8. Work on a billable project that's due Wed. It'll be a disaster if I don't get that project finished. But I just can't muster the oomph. Maybe tomorrow.
9. Go somewhere? I spent two hours with Vicki this afternoon and she spent the remainder of the afternoon at a baby shower for our daughter who is expecting. I spent last night at a philosophical discussion group. I had about 20 client hours this past week. I'm not isolated or starved for people. But I am antsy sitting here battling decision over-load and motivation under-load.
10. De-clutter our house. There are rooms and closets and boxes and sheds to empty out. That project would be a gift to my kids. Yet I need my kids to coach me on what to save and what to junk.
11. Chase flies with my new electric fly swatter. My inner Hindu shudders every time I fry a fly; my inner No Fly Zone rejoices at the snap and sparks. I am conflicted.
12. Catch up on news re. Colorado massacre in a movie theater. I could hold back my tears and gag reflex re. the insanity; but the ads depicting cuddling couples puts me in an even fouler mood.
13. I'm tired of Facebook, Youtube videos of wicked guitar players, and the herky-jerky stream of Netflix. Even if the pictures/words weren't maddeningly out of sync, I'm too antsy to sit still for 90 mindless minutes.
14. Practice silence and serenity. Renounce productivity. Be, not do. Yeah, like that's going to happen.
One of my purposes of this blog is to document my maddening predilection to boredom and waning interest. It's a personal trait I very much dislike; I'd be very happy if I could discover the magic pill, silver bullet, energy booster for endless creativity and steady productivity.
Of all of the options above I think item #2 would give me a needed change and provide the satisfaction of a weed free front yard. I'm off to get a pitchfork and attack those weeds.
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