Sunday, July 1, 2012

Draft Five, pages 1-5

With great joy I introduce for the very first time pages 1-5 of Draft Five of Ecclesiastes University.

There are many changes begging to be made...not only in the heads (too big) but also in the scanning (too dark), pagination (too small), color (absent in background; once added the word balloons will pop out in stark contrast), word balloon tails (for all my weeks of tweaking I still must re-position the little gap where I'll attach the tail--dread!), camera angle (too many close ups; I want students walking around at some point), character design (these drawings are the first of hundreds and I suspect we'll sharpen, simplify, and hone their features as we go), setting (no walls, desks, or props), and more. 

I visualize what the final art will be and a part of me wishes I could show readers the finished product. But I dare not invest that much time on a final draft which no one but me has seen. I don't trust myself; I need others' input before putting the finishing touches on Draft Six.

Putting this together was bliss...yet I feel a twinge of anxiety about sending this to my first readers. Why? Their mission will be to evaluate the script; I fear their eye gate will take precedence over their text editing lobes. I suspect these drawings will solicit a dozen comments for improvement but it's the words I want them to evaluate. 

This is the first day (Eccl. 1:1-8a). In the next thought unit the characters will have different clothing, seating arrangement, and background color. 

Of the nine characters I've introduced in this first installment, two will drop out and of those that remain all will be influenced (for good and ill) by Dr. Q's lectures. 

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