Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Finished Draft Two

There are twenty-five stapled packets sitting in front of me. Each packet contains between ten and twenty five pages. All tallied there are 428 pages. The stack is about four inches high (due to the fact that each page has pictures scotch taped to it). I am thrilled, happy, excited, nervous (what if my house burns down and I lose five months of work?), and eager to begin work on Draft Three.

Dr. Q has left the classroom and the TA has taken his place (panel 1) doing a wrap up. In the final edit I hope to draw walls, doors, backgrounds, full bodies seated/walking around, and in color. I also plan on giving pink slips to many of these stand ins and replacing them with full time actors more suited to the roles. Doing this casting will be a big challenge. How does one know what physical features cohere with the character of the characters? I don't know, yet.

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