Friday, April 6, 2012

End of Week Update

I'm up to page 66 in rough draft #2 (encompassing Ecclesiastes 1:1-2:26). I've sharpened the text, identified who the main characters are, and decided who belongs to which word balloon. Untangling the myriad of loose themes is highly pleasurable. I work on this project before breakfast, in my office before clients show up, and after visiting Vicki. When I get home I print Publisher pages, edit the dialog again (it's amazing how weak the first draft is), cut and tape images as I create characters from those strung together word balloons.

One of the more tedious tasks is using my mouse to put thin line word balloons around the dialog boxes. Six per page, 66 pages = 396 word balloons so far. I shudder to think how many more there will be.

This graphic novel will NOT be 64 pages long like Tin Tin my inspiration. I guesstimate Ecclesiastes U will be 450 pages...way too unwieldy for one volume. So I'll have to publish it in sections. We'll see.

One of my daughters told me about STEAMPUNK yesterday.

How can I get this character into my comic?

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